5e Siege Weapons Dmg

Dec 26, 2014 Let’s go with cannons (see page 255 of DMG) firing iron balls for this example: Medium Cannon. 1d20+6, range 600 feet/2,400 feet, hit 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage. It takes one action to load the cannon, one action to aim it and one action to fire it.

  • Dmg Firearms 5e. Rules of Engagement. The Dungeon Master’s Guide provides optional rules for firearms in D&D—including modern and even futuristic weapons. However, this left me in a quandary regarding character defenses. In a typical fantasy setting, adventurers, guards, and other possible combatants are fully expected to wear.
  • On page 255 of the DMG Siege Equipment we are given the stats for siege weapons. From there we have: Ballista Large Object. Noticeable it is listed at an object despite being described as a siege weapon and having a ranged weapon attack. In contrast a heavy crossbow is listed in the PHB as a 'martial ranged weapon'.
  • Weapons 5e Lance Bonus Dmg System. Most improvised weapons deal between 1d3 and 1d6 points of damage (usually bludgeoning, but possibly piercing or slashing). For more guidance on how much damage a weapon deals, see the table below.
  • The 5e DMG provides rules for them, but they are honestly so perfunctory they need to be expanded on for actual play. Here's my version of a D&D relevant ballista. Design goals: - Not meant to be super realistic - Can be operated by one character with Martial Ranged Weapon proficiency.

SpellJammer 5e

Cosmic Space Fantasy Opera

Siege Weaponry

Siege Weaponry

A siege weapon is a device that is designed to break or circumvent city or castle walls and other fortifications. Most groundling-based siege weapons are immobile, constructed in place to attack enemy fortifications from a distance, while others are wheeled to enable advancing up to the enemy fortification. That being said, siege weaponry have been adopted to Space Warfare with fervor. All Siege weapons mounted on Spelljamming ships are on 360° rotating turrets, and may fire in any direction regardless of the facing of a ship. Before it can be fired, all siege weapons must be loaded and aimed. A Load, Aim, and Fire action are done using one Ship Action taken by the Gunner.
Ballista- A Ballista is a massive crossbow that fires heavy bolts. Before it can be fired, it must be loaded and aimed. A Load, Aim, and Fire action are done using one Ship Action taken by the Gunner.
In atmosphere near a planetoid, the Light Ballista has a 120/480 ft range, and a Heavy Ballista has a 240/960 ft range.
Gnomish Sweeper- A Gnomish Sweeper is a pair of light ballistas with a shared, common mount so that they can be fired in the same direction at the same time. The two blunt bolts from these ballistas are linked with a heavy chain (similar in image to nunchaku). The intention of the chain is to be used as an antipersonnel weapon against enemy crews.
A Gnomish Sweeper affects all targets in a 10-foot square. It will continue on into the next 10 foot square away from the ship firing it unless it meets with a large, unmovable object, which cause the Sweeper Bolts to drop to the deck. In addition, every target within the 10-foot square is forced to make a Reflex save (DC 13). On failure, the targets fall prone and gain the grappled condition. The Gnomish Sweeper does not inflict hull damage with the Sweeper Rounds, but can be used as a duel Light Ballista in a crunch, with the same requirements for crew as two Light Ballistas (the weapon does not fire unless both bolts are loaded).
In atmosphere near a planetoid, the Gnomish Sweeper has a 300/1,200 ft range.
Trebuchet- A Trebuchet is a powerful catapult that throws its payload in a high arc, so it can hit targets behind cover. A trebuchet typically hurls a heavy stone. However, it can launch other kinds of projectiles, such as barrels of oil or sewage, with different effects.
In atmosphere near a planetoid, the Light Trebuchet has a 300/1,200 ft range, and the Heavy Trebuchet has a 500/1,500 ft range.
Mangonel- a Mangonel is a type of catapult that hurls heavy projectiles in a high arc. This payload can hit targets behind cover. A mangonel typiclly hurls a heavy stone, although it can hurl other kinds of projectiles, with different effects.
In atmosphere near a planetoid, the Light Mangonel has a 300/1,200 ft range, and the Heavy Mangonel has a 500/1,500 ft range.
Cannon- a Cannon uses gunpowder to properl heavy balls of cast iron through the air at destructive speeds. In a campaign without gunpowder, a cannon might be an arcane device built by clever gnomes or wizardly engineers. A cannon is usually supported in a wooden frame with wheels, but on a Spelljamming ship, it is mounted the same as every other siege weapon, on a 360° rotating turret.
In atmosphere near a planetoid, the Light Cannon has a 600/2,400 ft range, and the Heavy Cannon has a 1,200/4,800 ft range.
Alchemist's Fire Projector- This device shoots a thin stream of flaming, explosive liquid. Though it can be devastating in combat, the Alchemist's Fire Projectors are not popular with ships that cross between the spheres because of the flammability of the Flow. In fact, Alchemist's Fire projectors are recipes for disaster in the Phlogiston. They are popular, however among crews that do not leave their spheres.

5e Siege Weapons Dmg Download

In atmosphere near a planetoid, the Alchemist's Fire Projector has a 150/600 ft range.
Alchemist's Fire- While some adventuring parties know this substance as a thorw-able flask of sticky, adhesive fluid, aboard a Spelljamming ship it is generally stored in stone casks (for use as alternate ammunition in catapults). Alchemist's Fire ignites when exposed to air. When a cask is catapulted onto an enemy deck, the stone jug breaks and immediately explodes, dealing 3d10 fire damage in a 15-foot radius sphere. Any creatures in the sphere may make a DC 14 Dex saving throw. On a success, target suffers half damage. On a failure, creatures and any other objects in the sphere are now on fire. Also may ignite other jugs in burst radius.
Ram- Mounted to the front of ships, a Ram consists of nothing more than a heavy log, shod in iron. There are several different types that can be mounted to the front of Spelljamming ships. A ship can only have one type of Ram installed at a time.
  • Piercing- A piercing ram is a long, sharp prow used to break open and break apart an enemy ship.
  • Blunt- This is a flattened prow designed to inflict internal damage by shaking up the smaller ship.
  • Grappling- The grappling ram incorporates one or more movable arms which attach themselves to an opponent's ship with suction cups or hooks after ramming, locking the ships together. This type of ram is very useful during boarding situations.

Siege Weapons

NameSizeACHPAttack ModifierHex Space RangeDamageCrew SizeNotes
Gnomish SweeperL15605511 (2d10) bludgeoning to all creatures in a 10ft radius3Target(s) must make DC 13 Dex save or fall prone and gain the grappled condition
Light BallistaM15305416 (3d10) piercing2-
Heavy BallistaL16706633 (6d10) piercing3-
Light TrebuchetM15905644 (8d10) bludgeoning3Can't hit targets within one hex of it
Heavy TrebuchetL151506866 (12d10) bludgeoning4Can't hit targets within two hex spaces of it
Light MangonelM19755428 (5d10) to all creatures in a 15 foot radius on the deck of the enemy ship. Bludgeoning or Piercing2-
Heavy MangonelL15906655 (10d10) to all creatures in a 15 foot radius on the deck of the enemy ship. Bludgeoning or Piercing3-
Light CannonM19755544 (8d10) bludgeoning4On a successful Critical Hit, do not roll on the Critical Hit table. Instead target suffers Hull Holed Critical Hit
Heavy CannonL201505766 (12d10) bludgeoning5On a successful Critical Hit, do not roll on the Critical Hit table. Instead target suffers Hull Holed Critical Hit
Alchemist's Fire ProjectorL152006127 (5d10) fire3On a successful hit, target suffers Fire! Critical Hit
Piercing RamM1050-13d10 + 1d10 per number of hex spaces moved in a straight line this round, max of Ship Speed.-On hit, roll 1d10. On a 10, target ship suffers Hull Holed Critical hit
Blunt RamM1050-13d10 + 1d10 per number of hex spaces moved in a straight line this round, max of Ship Speed.-On hit, roll 1d10. On a 10, target ship suffers Ship Shaken Critical hit.
Grappling RamM1050-1--On hit target ship gains Grappled condition
Bore RamM1050-11d10 + 1d10 per number of hex spaces moved in a straight line this round, max of Ship Speed.-On hit target ship gains Grappled condition. If damage results in a Critical hit, target ship suffers Hull Holed.

Siege Weapon Ammunition

Siege Weapon Plans

Item NameCostNotes
Alchemist's Fire (cask)200 gp per caskAlways flammable
Ballista Bolts5 sp per shotFits any ballista. May be used as a Spear
Cannonball5 gp per shotMay also be launched out of Trebuchet
Sweeper rounds4 sp per shotDoubles as a Nunchaku for creatures of Gargantuan size or larger
Catapult Stones3 sp per shotLarge Stones, carved into rough spheres
Stone Shot2 sp per shotA package of round rocks for a jettison. Deals Bludgeoning damage
Jettison Shot2 sp per shotA package of sharp glass for a jettison. Deals Piercing damage

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