Doom 2 Wad 1.9

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< Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC)

This is a sub-page of Doom II: Hell on Earth (PC).

Seven official DOS versions of Doom II exist: 1.666, 1.666 German, 1.7, 1.7a, 1.8, 1.8 French, and 1.9. The German version of 1.666 uses a different executable and its copy of DOOM2.WAD omits the MAP31 and MAP32 secret levels. 1.7a only changes the phone number listed on the ENDOOM text screen displayed in DOS after exiting the game. The French version of 1.8 has received a full translation.

  1. Nov 26, 2013 DOOM2.WAD 1.9. DOOM2.WAD 1.9 Download Free and Free DOOM2.WAD 1.9 Download english, Component needed to play online games via the Internet and Doom Browse and search the Mod DB Doom II Game file listing to download the latest full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. Doom II WAD files made by me and my brother.
  2. I have included Simpsons Doom for Doom 1 and Doom 2. Run simpsons.gpe to play the game with Doom 1 levels, and run simpsons2.gpe to play the game with Doom 2 levels. Two wads are included in this download, one for each version. You will need doom1.wad for Simpsons Doom 1 and doom2.wad for Simpsons Doom 2.

In addition to these, there is also a bootleg copy of 1.666 which was leaked prior to the official release of the game, which the upgrade patches are not compatible with, but has no known differences with the official 1.666 release. The 1.3 through 1.6 beta versions of Doom also have partial Doom II support, as the game was in development when those betas were published.

The source for the Linux port was released publicly—this was released as version 1.10. The source code to Doom 3: BFG Edition has also been released; its Doom Classic engine is version 1.11.

  • 2Maps
  • 3Graphics

Mar 17, 2018 Name Filename Version Size Compressed Size MD5 Checksum; Doom II:Hell on Earth: doom2.wad: 1.9: 14,604,584: 4,550,451: 25e1459ca71d38f45ca8cd: The Ultimate Doom.


  • Version 1.7 fixes the Soundblaster/Adlib music crash.
  • Versions of the engine not running on DOS or Linux support higher resolutions than 320x200.
  • The 'Doom Classic' engine used for the Xbox Live Arcade release, later re-used for Doom 3: BFG Edition and Doom Classic Complete, increases several of the engine's internal limits in order to support the new No Rest For The Living expansion, which has significantly more detailed maps than the original engine can run.
  • These limits were further increased in the January 2020 patch for the 2019 re-releases, in order to better support the curated custom content (specifically John Romero's SIGIL, which goes beyond even BFG's expanded limits).


To do:
Enemy and possible item differences between revisions.

Level 1: Entryway

v1.666 - v1.7a, v1.9
v1.666 - v1.7a, v1.9

For whatever reason, the entire map was shifted southwest, closer to the 0, 0 coordinate, in version 1.8. As a result of this, some flats became unaligned. The map was shifted again in version 1.9 to fix the flat alignment. Things were also shifted, but not by the same amounts, meaning they have slightly different positions in relation to the map geometry in each version.

Level 2: Underhalls

v1.7 onward

In v1.666, there was a door made of silver bars which blocked the alcove with the switch that opens the western half of the map, similar to the red key bars that remain in the opposite alcove. These were removed in v1.7 and a monster blocking line was put in their place to keep the shotgun guy contained.

v1.666 - v1.7a, v1.9

Like Level 1, the entire map was shifted southwest to be closer to the 0, 0 coordinate in v1.8. And once again, some flats became unaligned, the most obvious being the secret teleporter. This was fixed in 1.9.

Things were shifted too, with hilarious results as several enemies ended up stuck in the walls. These were also mostly corrected for v1.9, with the exception of a single shotgun guy who is still stuck in a barrel near the blue key.

Level 3: The Gantlet

A new secret area was added to the room with the blue armor and shotgun in v1.9. It contains a teleporter to a small room with a backpack and door to the central area.

Level 5: The Waste Tunnels

In v1.9, the lift near the start that drops the player into the dark tunnel can be activated from inside the tunnel.

Entering the area to the right of the lift that drops you into the tunnel closes the door behind you. It can be reopened with a switch in the alcove closest to the door. Originally, entering the room with the mega-armor would also close this door. Since the door switch is one-time use, this was basically a trap and the player would be forced to leave this area through a tougher section of the map. This was changed in 1.9 so that entering the mega-armor room doesn't close the door.

Level 6: The Crusher

The 2019 re-release of the game removed the linedef actions from the door track of the red key door, which could crash the game if interacted with.

Level 11: Circle of Death / The 'O' of Destruction!

A hard difficulty Arachnotron was originally stuck in a wall in the outside section right before the first arch-vile of the game. It was finally freed in v1.9.

v1.666 - v1.8

The area around the switch that grants the player the rocket launcher and entry into the final area of the map was modified in v1.9. Originally, all this switch did was lower the rocket launcher and the barrier preventing entry to the final area. The player was forced to find a switch in the nukage pit to get back up onto the central 'O' structure, then run from the center of the 'O' to jump across to the newly accessible ledge. This was made significantly easier with the addition of a new wall which lowers alongside the rocket launcher and barrier, and allows the player to walk over to the ledge leading to the final area rather than having to make a tough jump.

Level 14: The Inmost Dens

v1.7 onward

The ceiling in the crusher room with the rocket launcher has been raised by 32 units in v1.7. This reveals a missing upper texture.

Near the center of the map there is a set of door and lift bars which open as the player runs towards them. In v1.666, the trigger lines for these were closer together than in 1.7.

Level 15: Industrial Zone

A single zombieman located to the northeast of the central tower was removed from this map in v1.7.

Level 17: Tenements

The teleporter in the lava pit with the caged arch-vile originally did nothing in single player and teleported the player to the dark cave area near the yellow skull in multiplayer. In v1.7, the teleporter was changed to teleport to the central pillar with the supercharge instead.

Level 18: The Courtyard

v1.7 onward

There was an entire linedef missing from one of the metal boxes near the yellow skull in v1.666, which was fixed in 1.7.

Level 24: The Chasm

v1.7 onward

The back side of the lift which lowers to reveal the teleporter out of the red skull room was originally untextured. This was fixed in 1.7.

Level 25: Bloodfalls

The blood pillar with a revenant on top could only be lowered from the side closest to the lift in v1.666. V1.7 made it so it could be activated from all sides.

v1.7 onward

The lift near the blood pillar originally used the same tan stone as the surrounding walls. It was replaced with a gray stone texture in 1.7, making the lift more obvious.

The blue door was highlighted with a bright, blinking light in v1.7.

v1.7 onward
v1.7 onward

Some walls in the side rooms before the metal room with the megasphere have had their textures changed to match the surrounding walls in v1.7.

Every version from 1.7 onward and 1.666 German have 2 secrets in this map.

Level 28: The Spirit World

Three deathmatch spawns were added in v1.7. The one in the scrolling spine room was moved slightly.

Level 29: The Living End

Co-op starts were added in v1.7.

Level 31: Wolfenstein / IDKFA

All secret areas were updated to count towards the secret total in v1.9.

This level has been renamed 'IDKFA' in Doom 3: BFG Edition and Doom Classic Complete. The Wolfenstein SS enemies have been replaced by zombiemen: Since the XBLA and Doom 3: BFG Edition versions of Doom II can play network games with one another, this will cause the game to de-sync in this level. As of the January 2020 patch for the 2019 re-release, the Wolfenstein SS enemies have been restored to their original locations.

Level 32: Grosse / Keen

Like in level 31, the four pillars that can be raised to reveal goodies, along with the two side areas, were updated to count towards the secret total in v1.9.

This level has been renamed 'Keen' in Doom 3: BFG Edition and Doom Classic Complete. Like level 31, the Wolfenstein SS enemies have been replaced by zombiemen, and this will cause desyncs when playing with the XBLA version. As of the January 2020 patch for the 2019 re-release, the Wolfenstein SS enemies have been restored to their original locations.

Level 33: Betray

When the classic Doom games were ported to the Xbox as part of the Collectors Edition of Doom 3, the programmers responsible decided to slip in a couple of ancient levels they made back in the day. The included version of Doom II contains Betray, a 1995 level by Michael Bukowski.

In level 2, grab the red keycard, drop down, and enter the northeast chamber that has just opened up. Walk up to the narrow, stone wall in the northwest of this chamber, and press on it to be sent to Betray. Once you complete it, you'll be sent ahead to level 3.

This map is still included within the IWAD in the Xbox Live Arcade, Doom 3: BFG Edition, and Doom Classic Complete versions of Doom II. The exit that leads to it was removed in the console versions, making it unused. Interestingly, the exit is present in the version of Doom II included in the PC version of Doom 3: BFG Edition, but the code to go to level 33 is not, so it will either take the player back to level 1 or restart level 2, depending on which level the game was started on.

No Rest For The Living

The Xbox Live Arcade, Doom 3: BFG Edition, and PSN Doom Classic Complete ports of Doom II feature a new nine level expansion from Nerve Software. Strings for its level name and end text have been added to the executable, along with code to make its secret exit in level 5 function. Additionally, its PWAD contains new intermission map name graphics.

To do:
What about PSN?
LevelXBLA Music
1Message For The Archvile
2The Dave D. Taylor Blues
4Shawn's Got The Shotgun
5Into Sandy's City
7Into Sandy's City
8Shawn's Got The Shotgun
9The Dave D. Taylor Blues

This expansion has its own music track assignments in the XBLA version. Doom 3: BFG Edition reuses the standard Doom II track assignments, and as a result, only level 6 plays the same music in both versions.

The 2019 re-release of Doom 2 lets you download No Rest For The Living as an official add-on. It adds a DMAPINFO lump defining level metadata (name etc.), allowing it to use the track assignments from the XBLA version and changing the sky graphic to SKY3 (the Hell sky) after the first three levels.


Red Crosses

Original PC, XboxXBLA, BFG Edition, PSNPS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC (

Starting with the Xbox Live Arcade release of Doom II, the red crosses on the Stimpack, Medikit, and Berserk powerup were replaced by a red and white capsule. As of the January 2020 update for the 2019 re-release, the graphics have been re-replaced to use the original artwork but with a green cross instead of a red one.The overall changes to the health items were by and large done to avoid legal problems with the Red Cross Organization, who are infamously strict with the use of red crosses in media.

Wolfenstein Patches

Original PC, Xbox, XBLABFG Edition, PSNPS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC (

The WOLF patches with Nazi symbols, used in the secret levels, were replaced with their blank wall equivalents in Doom 3: BFG Edition. As of the January 2020 patch for the 2019 re-release, the graphics have been re-replaced with modified versions of the original graphics - the Hitler portrait has had its mustache removed, and all swastikas have been replaced with a triangle emblem from the censored German release of Wolfenstein: The New Order.

All of the Wolfenstein SS enemy's sprites except for parts of the gibbing animation are replaced with poorly offset copies of the zombieman's first forward facing frame in the PC version of Doom 3: BFG Edition, but oddly not on Xbox 360. As of the January 2020 patch for the 2019 re-release, the Wolfenstein SS has been restored.

Menu Text

Original PCBFG Edition

Several menu strings were updated for the version included in Doom 3: BFG Edition. The previously unused episode selection graphics leftover from Doom are re-purposed for selecting which expansion to play. The updated engine removes the screen size and detail options, and graphics related to these were replaced with ones that read 'Gamepad:' and 'Fullscreen:'.

Graphics have been added for a new menu, which is displayed instead of the original text strings when quitting the game. They allow you to accept/cancel quitting, or go back to the Doom 3 BFG Edition game selection screen. Interestingly, these are only present in the Doom 2 IWAD, despite also being used in The Ultimate Doom, meaning the engine always loads them from DOOM2.WAD.

Level Names

Original PC, Xbox, XBLABFG Edition, PSN

New graphics obviously had to be made for the secret levels' new names in Doom 3: BFG Edition. The original names were restored in the 2019 re-release, but the graphics lumps in the WAD were not changed (as the names are now displayed using a sprite font in Unity's UI system).

Betray's name is also present in the Doom 3: BFG Edition IWAD.


Original PC, Xbox, XBLA, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC ( Edition, PSN

Evil Incarnate and Ultimate Conquest, the two music tracks based on ones from Spear of Destiny and Wolfenstein 3D, which are used in the secret levels and ending cast of characters, were replaced with copies of DOOM, the music played in levels 5 and 13, in Doom 3: BFG Edition. The 2019 re-release restores the original music since launch.

Original PC, Xbox, XBLAPS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC (

As of the January 2020 patch for the 2019 re-release, the Wolfenstein SS's sight sound has been partially redubbed (the first part is kept, the second part is voiced by Mike Rubits), so that they now say 'schutzkämpfer' instead of 'schutzstaffel'. Their death voices remain the same.

(Source: Unofficial Change Log v1.01 (DOS Doom II differences))

Historical Versionsof DOOM.EXE From 0.2 To 1.9

Retrieved from ''
Sort by | Filename | Title | Author | Size | Time | Rating | Asc • Desc
Size:34.27 KB
Size:116.37 KB
Size:36.41 KB
This is CERTAINLY one of the cooler demos out there! Ever try to get the last boss in DooM ][ with a rocket from the top of the platform? Well, it's done here! That's right! Got em going up.. got em going down! It's amazing!...Date:08/30/97
Size:5.71 KB
Author:Jerethi from the 847 Dwango Server
Size:299.25 KB

460 Frags with 3
Try getting 460 frags, with subtraction of the loads of suicides, in level 1 with 3 players. If you like action, you are sure to like this demo. To bad The Dark Lord had to play on a paperwhite VGA and a kboard which wouldn't work properly or else we...Date:12/30/97
Size:559.22 KB
Author:Warlock, The Dark Lord and FBW of Cosmic Chaos
This is a 4-player demo on map 07. This One is a real bloodfest. Lots of bfg action. not that the bfg is my favorite weapon, but you cant beat it for four player deathmatch....Date:07/16/95
Size:226.9 KB
35 minutes of complete and utter slaugtering chaos(but ofcourse)....Date:01/28/98
Size:107.73 KB
Author:Warlock of Cosmic Chaos, The Dark Lord of Cosmic Chaos and Happy Harry Hard-on.
Within 42 minutes we show everybody what 'Gun control' is all about....Date:04/21/98
Size:457.75 KB
Author:Happy Harry Hard-on, FBW of Cosmic Chaos and Warlock of Cosmic Chaos.
This demo is definately the goriest we've ever made. There are 'bodies' frying all around. Hope you have a strong stomach. Shame TDL had to leave, cause otherwise we would have had 666 frags at the rate we where going. We had the -maxdemo set for o...Date:07/29/98
Size:409.82 KB
Author:The Dark Lord of Cosmic Chaos, Warlock of Cosmic Chaos and FBW of Cosmic Chaos.
More death, more carnage, more slaughterings going on....Date:09/21/98
Size:104.88 KB
Author:The Dark Lord of Cosmic Chaos, Warlock of Cosmic Chaos and Happy Harry Hard-on.
Take a wild guess, it's called 671frags. I wonder why ppl call boarders bad players ? If 3 mousers can beat this let them try. Mail your demo's to Once again, this is a chalenge to all mousers ! Though boarders like us can ...Date:09/21/98
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Author:The Dark Lord of Cosmic Chaos, Warlock of Cosmic Chaos and Happy Harry Hard-on.
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Be a knight even in Altdeath!
Get your weapon, fight for honor! No place to hide, a grave to die....Date:06/27/95
Size:30.67 KB
Author:CHAN Lancelot the Jedi/ DOOMINATOR the DARKSIDER
Size:905 B
3-way Beknight edition....Date:10/28/95
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3-way Beknight edition....Date:11/02/95
Size:87 KB
Size:80.77 KB
Get through DOOM ]['s last level without dying a single time! It is now proven that DOOM ]['s last level CAN be completed without cheating....Date:09/27/96
Size:2.35 KB
Author:Jeannot Langlois
Get through DOOM ]['s last level without dying a single time! It is now proven that DOOM ]['s last level CAN be completed without cheating....Date:09/27/96
Size:2.56 KB
Author:Jeannot Langlois
Get through DOOM ]['s last level without dying a single time! It is now proven that DOOM ]['s last level CAN be completed without cheating....Date:09/27/96
Size:2.47 KB
Author:Jeannot Langlois
Get through DOOM ]['s last level without dying a single time! It is now proven that DOOM ]['s last level CAN be completed without cheating....Date:09/27/96
Size:2.44 KB
Author:Jeannot Langlois
This is another game with me and my local doom2 buddy Burnout. The game is paused after my 67th frag, you'll have to wait 2 mins. I know some progs around can remove paused tics, but try it at your own risk, sometimes the demo gets out of synch....Date:02/01/97
Size:107.02 KB
This is another game with me and my local doom2 buddy Burnout. The rematch on the previously lost game on map1. I managed to win, but once again very tight....Date:02/01/97
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Doom 2 Wad 1.9
This is Truechamp and in our first IPX map1 game recording. We had intended to play to 150, but the maxdemo ran out before we could finish. Its a tight game for sure, scorewise when we checked at points along the game, it went back and forth as to wh...Date:02/01/97
Size:246.11 KB
Author:Bad Company

chaos on
well b/c of the fone bill i was away from playin for a while this is my play has regress b/c of my absence from play, but not a bad return nonetheless... this lmp is a complete and total fragfest on map 7 this lmp rivals 4way_07.lmp...rou...Date:08/27/95
Size:123.84 KB
Author:shawn 'spam' hamm
This is a fast paced 4 player DeathMatch recording in my Compiled DeathMatch level, COMPDETH. I didn't count the frags, but there were a TON, especially in the last map, where I'm sure we got over 300 in the 10 or so minutes that we spent in there....Date:12/07/95
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3-way free-for-all on Brian Vannatta's excellent danzig12, the second in his danzig series....Date:04/27/95
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A four-player (-timer 10) LMP recorded in Map16-Map18 of danzig2.wad - Map16 was nuts!...Date:10/22/95
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Size:840.99 KB
Author:Peo Sjoblom Plus 3 lmps by Yonatan Donner, Andreas Kren and Daniel 'Demonlord' Lindgren
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Author:Yonatan Donner
Level 4 Tyson, thisone is tricky but no problem if you concentrate....Date:07/24/95
Size:47.41 KB
Author:Daniel 'Demonlord' Lindgren
The reason I completed this lmp was that I heard somewhere from someone that it would be impossible. Level 6 in 'Tyson' mode and thisone is trickier than it sounds. You have to kill all the badies with fists and pistol only, no berserk or chainsaw,...Date:07/24/95
Size:189.27 KB
Author:Daniel 'Demonlord' Lindgren
Level 10 in 'tyson and grand master mode', with -fast option and nothing but fists, berserk, chainsaw and pistol to kill the badies. I never thought this lmp would be possible to record after doing it in Tyson mode only. I dont think that it is possi...Date:07/24/95
Size:199.04 KB
Author:Daniel 'Demonlord' Lindgren
Level 16 Tyson+GM at same time, not much to say, I thought the 2 archvile would be a problem but they only helped me on the way........Date:07/24/95
Size:66.26 KB
Author:Daniel 'Demonlord' Lindgren
Level 8 in tyson+Grand master mode at same time thisone is a bit tricky, especially when the invunarability times out....Date:07/24/95
Size:118.99 KB
Author:Daniel 'Demonlord' Lindgren
Lmps of all the levels in Doom 2, excluding 29, from start to finish on Hurt Me Plenty under par time. (24 is a couple seconds over.)...Date:07/21/96
Size:127.42 KB
Author:Allen Kung
Lmps of all the levels in Doom 2, excluding 29, from start to finish on Ultraviolence with 100% kills. (15 only has 99%)...Date:07/19/96
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Author:Allen Kung
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Education Demo Version
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Author:Stephan Ferraro, Thomas Kowarik
Wolfenstein (Level 31) on Hurt Me Plenty with 100% kills, items, & secrets....Date:04/14/96
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Author:Patrick Kalinauskas
Grosse (level 32) on Hurt Me Plenty with 100% kills, items, & secrets....Date:04/14/96
Size:1.93 KB
Author:Patrick Kalinauskas
This is the first 4 player demo we've uploaded. The lmps are also available on CompuServe. We've not seen an lmp of this level before, and it's only just occurred to us to play it. Red seems to have an advantage, as it blends with the decor. Richard ...Date:09/22/95
Size:41.04 KB
Author:Michael Hammerstone
Two average people playing an average game on the best DM level in history....Date:07/13/96
Size:21.92 KB
Author:Andy R. Olivera
These are LMPs for all of the Doom II levels on Ultra-Violence with a 2-player Cooperative setup. We tried to die as little as possible, and we got 100% kills in all levels (we think) except 24. This TXT file was created using LMPTXT, available in be...Date:05/10/96
Size:386.37 KB
Author:Yonatan Donner (D1M,D1SG,D2M,D2SG)
This is a collection of lmps for all levels of Doom2 on Ultra-Violence, ending with 100% kills and usually maximum secrets, but sometimes I just didn't bother (or didn't remember ;-) No special comments about the demos, they were *ALL* rerecorded s...Date:11/27/96
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Author:Yonatan Donner
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7 and up on
massive killing on dwango5.wad, starting at level 7. good action. I (rj) am the only with mucho experience playing doom though, and it pretty much shows, but at least I can play daily at work over IPX, to practice for the real competition on the loca...Date:10/30/95
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Doom 2 Wad 1.9 Torrent
Size:351.44 KB
Watch as Embrionic Pete takes on one of his most intense battles yet with Indiana's Chunkk. Chunkk has a beautiful BFG under standing.. and missle placement....Date:07/17/95
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Author:Embrionic Pete
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Well as you can see I'm a very agressive player. Maybe I should just settle down and play safe and stop giving away so much stupid frags.... er...nah... I ain't no CAMPER!! bwahahahaah.....Date:08/31/96
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Author:Jevon Tane
Well here I am trying to play Map11 and trying to play a little more safer than I usually do....Date:09/11/96
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Author:Jevon Tane
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Doom2 Deathmatch level 1, Quality Frag after Frag....Date:12/21/95
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Grosse.lmp (for Doom II)
/Story This LMP file is the 'secret' level 32 'Grosse' done in 'Hurt Me Plenty' scoring 100% in all catagories! This was done in 1:46. Anybody who can beat this time send lmp to Mana for inclusion in a future CD-Rom!...Date:11/03/97
Size:3.6 KB
Author:Jeromy John Visser (Formerly known as Manna Doom)
Best game I played against Gary. Frag numbers 78 and 87 are pretty cool....Date:11/09/95
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Author:Craig Hess
level 7...Date:12/21/96
Size:95.76 KB
This is myself playing against a local bud by the handle Jackall. He's another guy hoping to be good someday....Date:03/31/96
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This is myself playing against a local bud by the handle Jackall. He's another guy hoping to be good someday....Date:03/31/96
Size:117.58 KB
This is for Doom 2 version 1.9. This is me playing level 32 on Ultra-violence with fast monsters. I finished it in 3:13, using only the super-shotgun, chaingun and berserk. I used the invulnerability on the SS so I could punch all of them. . . my pun...Date:04/27/95
Size:2.38 KB
We finally played a game that tops the intensity of IGOR4WAY.LMP. Total Carnage. 420 frags in less than 45 minutes!! Recorded from TIMinator's perspective. Use the enclosed utility LMPUTIL to convert the LMP to the other player's perspectives....Date:04/01/95
Size:409.34 KB
I just moved to Calgary, and participated in the third Calgary DOOM2 tournament here. This was one of the 8 Final Matches. Final tournament score was Tim 631, Jho 587, Dasa 545, Goal 481. Recorded from TIMinator's perspective. NOTE: all matches in th...Date:06/05/95
Size:218.68 KB
A quick little four-player LMP on judas21.wad, first player to 50 frags. Pretty nuts....Date:10/13/95
Size:95.81 KB
This is a complete frag fest that we recorded in DANZIG2. The average lifespan was under two seconds!...Date:12/07/95
Size:221.81 KB
This is a LMP for a small but brutal wad I've had for a long time, and could never complete w/o cheating until I finally sat down to work on it. It is one of the first Doom2 LMP's I ever recorded, and though I'm a much better player now, this LMP is ...Date:05/19/97
Size:71.18 KB
Author:Jason Henry
22/8-1996, Arnt and Kent_haug, map1. Arnt got off to a good start. For a moment, things didn't look so good for the migthy Kent, but he elevated his play a new level and yet again the week and foolish Arnt bites the dust....Date:08/22/96
Size:68.19 KB
Author:Christian Figenschou
This demo is just four guys playing a deathmatch. It was made over the MegaSphere BBS, (317) 273-9666. The four players were: Green: Demon Eater (Martin Cox, that's me) Indigo: Melojo (Bruce Bryzek) Brown: Grean'se Lightning (Andrew Goode) Red: Cha...Date:10/12/95
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Author:Martin Cox
me (kurtz) and zero beating on each other...Date:10/18/96
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Author:jeremy kurtz
me (kurtz) and zero beating on each other...Date:10/18/96
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Author:jeremy kurtz
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this is basically a killing fest. we played to 100...Date:07/20/95
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Well as you can see level 30 really isn't that difficult on any skill level....Date:05/13/96
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Doom2 'Real' lightning, the whole game, all 32 levels in a row without dying once, of course all levels under par. This is hard I tell you... There are a lot of levels where the time for par is very low, the best example of this is level 2, though I'...Date:11/19/95
Size:162.54 KB
Author:Daniel 'Demonlord' Lindgren
Just me finishing lvl's 1-12! I sure as hell don't know all the secrets so don't look for them!...Date:05/28/96
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Author:Jeff Nickerson
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This has demos of me beating level 30 of DOOM2. The 3 demos show what can happen to you. It has good victories and ones where the player is barely alive....Date:01/05/97
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Author:Dennis Savgir
Your basic level 1 fragathon with 2 good players. Czaple and Mariachi battle to the death in good ol' level 1!...Date:03/12/96
Size:25.65 KB
Level 1 fun. The game was a bit choppy, seeing how the connection was going from Vermont to Georgia, I wasn't surprised....Date:03/15/96
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El Mariachi and Tyranork in a level 1 fragfest. We played first to 50....Date:03/12/96
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Death, death, death, and more death. Skill 4, fast monsters, respawn, and a CyberDemon is my idea of a good Time. No one lived more then 30 seconds, even thought there was only two of us. There were triple teleporter frags, stray rockets, sucker shot...Date:06/11/95
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Well, It's Xoleras THRASHING me, I was always relieved when he would switch to rockets because I could at least see them, His SSG tore holes in me. Actually, for playing w/ a Gravis, I was'nt *that* bad (I switched to mouse the next day. :)...Date:11/30/95
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Hey, whatddya know? Practice does make ya better! Not to say I did much better this time, but at least I can aim now! Xoleras did a little bit of camping, which suprised me. Well, it was after I had gotten him 15 times, he was a little bit pissy. I a...Date:12/28/95
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Watch as N.Y's 2 Champions, Each having a championship title respectively, battle it...Date:07/08/95
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Author:Embrionic Pete
Watch as these 2 Ny Pros go at it on Lev 16. Each possessing a distinct style and approach...Date:07/11/95
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Author:Embrionic Pete
Yet another fight to the death on lev 1. One of the most exciting matches you may ever see. Quality Frag for Frag....Date:07/19/95
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Author:Embrionic Pete
This is me completing level 32 in Ultra-Violence. I finished it with 200% health and armor -- The cyberdemon didn't hit me once! No cheat codes, of course! :)...Date:06/28/95
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Author:Patrick McConnell
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PM's Doom 2 Tyson
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Author:Patrick Martin
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A two player deathmatch lmp played with the gkpak1.wad. Makes for a good look-see. Tom plays on a P5-90 with a joystick and I play on a 486DX4-100 with a mouse....Date:04/30/95
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Author:Peter Meredith & Tom Williamson
A two player deathmatch lmp played with the danzig12.wad. If you don't have the danzig12.wad that's ok - we start on level 7 and you'll get to watch 5 levels before we get to it. Tom plays on a P5-90 with a joystick and I play on a 486DX4-100 with a ...Date:04/30/95
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Author:Peter Meredith & Tom Williamson
A two player deathmatch lmp played on doom2 levels 3-7. There are a lot of AWSOME kills in this one. Tom plays on a P5-90 with a joystick and I play on a 486DX4-100 with a mouse....Date:04/30/95
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Author:Peter Meredith & Tom Williamson
A two player doom2 deathmatch lmp played with the igor9.wad. Our best one yet!!! Tom plays on a P5-90 with a joystick and I play on a 486DX4-100 with a mouse....Date:04/30/95
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Author:Peter Meredith & Tom Williamson
A two player doom2 deathmatch lmp played with the igor9.wad. Even better than the last!!! There are some major SS battles in this one. Tom plays on a P5-90 with a joystick and I play on a 486DX4-100 with a mouse....Date:04/30/95
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Author:Peter Meredith & Tom Williamson
Doom2 Level 1 2 player deathmatch. This is our first lmp, which we just did for kicks but thought others might get some entertainment out of it. It's long (hour and a half) but worth it. Tom played on a P5-90 and I was on a DX4-100 with 14.4 modems. ...Date:04/11/95
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Author:Peter Meredith & Tom Williamson
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Oh, just a fast LMP with SSG only Nothing more and nothing less...Date:11/19/95
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Author:Kai-Uwe Humpert
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A 3-way Deathmatch on level 1 played over LAN It should be noted that the game viewed from Brown is great (use F12) - watch for the rocket shot!...Date:08/14/95
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Author:Michael Hammerstone
A 3-way Deathmatch on level 2 played over LAN Level 2 deathmatches take longer to get accustomed to than 1 or 7 due to the level's more confined nature and fiddly bits. However, with practice it becomes great fun! A cup of tea may be required after...Date:08/19/95
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Author:Michael Hammertone
This is the first 4 player demo we've uploaded. The lmps are also available on CompuServe. We've not seen an lmp of this level before, and it's only just occurred to us to play it. Red seems to have an advantage, as it blends with the decor. Richard ...Date:09/08/95
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Author:Michael Hammerstone
A 3-way Deathmatch on level 7 played over LAN The last in a trilogy of the best Doom II deathmatch levels. Level 7 is *the* Deathmatch arena. Watch for the unusual BFG duel in the exit room. Contains good stuff with rockets....Date:08/22/95
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Author:Michael Hammerstone
See RADPIF2.TXT for overview (in Zip File). Four 3-way, Doom II Level 1 deathmatch demos....Date:01/04/96
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Author:Michael Hammerstone
Xoleras and I going at it again, this time was much better for me, that practice is paying off, still lost, but I only play Map01 about once a blue moon.. against llama keyboarders no less, heh :)...Date:01/24/96
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_Lethe_ vs.
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This is the Map1 GOD Sslasher kicking my ass up and down Map1 at DMcon 96. Hes the master of strategy here for sure....and i dont come close to stepping to this big bad dude....his style uses quite a bit of laying back compared to what im used to. I ...Date:02/01/97
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Author:Bad Company
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This is among the first Doom2 LMPs i made with Strike. He was my student back then, and we were recording this so that we could go back and watch the LMP and see how he could increase his skill. I was advanced in skill at this time, and was going ext...Date:02/01/97
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Author:Bad Company
I finish all the levels in doom2 speedy Gonzales style (starting from scratch, finish a level on hurt me plenty, under par) This is for the people out th- ere who are having a problem with their SG title, If you look you will see that I don't have th...Date:03/05/96
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Author:Terry 'T-man' Dunphy
Some friendly killing on MAP01 of DOOM2....Date:11/23/95
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Author:Variant (Ray Van Dolson)
One of 8 matches in 3rd Calgary Doom2 tournament. Recorded from my perspective (Goalie). Very furious action on this one, especially map1....Date:06/12/95
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Author:David Shaw
First deathmatch I've recorded. Starts off a bit slow since we were playing Quake before and had to make the transition, heats up after a while. No idea how long the demo is - had been gaming day and night and we kind of just got lost within the game...Date:09/01/99
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Author:Ben Wagner
An awesome 2 player DeathTag demo! I won both of em, but...Date:02/17/96
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Messy. Realy messy....Date:02/07/99
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Author:FBW of Cosmic Chaos, Warlock of Cosmic Chaos and The Dark Lord of Cosmic Chaos.
Well, what can i say, two people playing death match once we get 20 frags, i start to kick butt :)...Date:12/19/97
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Author:Billy Daniel (porkypig)
Fight to the death Merlock and the challenger Xoleras....Date:05/27/95
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Watch as 2 Guys going at it,on level 11 Fantastic Shotgun/plasma Combos. As well as Bfg execution....Date:10/15/95
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Author:Dimitris Theofilopoulos
Well that goes to show you that I suck hard in level 1. I haven't been playing it to much. The game was very choppy also. Any opinions on my skill are welcome....Date:11/13/95
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Author:Dimitris Theofilopoulos
Well that goes to show you that little practice will get you where you want, I had fun in the game it wans't choppy or slow just a little mouse lag....Date:02/15/96
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Author:Dimitris Theofilopoulos
Well level 11 (like you don't know) is my favorite level. There is no level like it, the thrill that I get every time I play it is unreal....Date:03/02/96
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Author:Dimitris Theofilopoulos
Well level 1 is ** weird ** to me. But I play it because EVERYBODY want me to play them in it . Is it because they know I don't like it or play it?!?!?!...Date:03/02/96
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Author:Dimitris Theofilopoulos
Lot's of action with my good IRC friend Jhawk. He is a very good player but that night the game was a bit choppy....Date:03/21/96
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Author:Dimitris Theofilopoulos