Focus T25 U

Focus T25 Workouts: Notes Focus T25 is a weight loss program and is therefore heavy in cardio moves. This not a muscle gaining workout, although you will build lean muscles. Although Focus T25 includes a resistance band and it’s great to use for travel. I would recommend getting a nice set of dumbbells for two reasons 1. The Focus T25 workout program marshals all of your high-intensity fitness forces into a relatively short, power-packed time period—something many fitness aficionados consider about half the time necessary to achieve optimal results. Focus T25 is an online or DVD workout series from Shaun T, the trainer who created the Insanity video workout series. His T25 program is an intense full-body routine, similar to Insanity or P90X.

Posted by Coach Todd on Jul 11, 2013 in Workouts | 1 comment
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Today’s post is going to focus (haha) on the Focus T25 calorie intake…

With the release of Focus T25 and the overwhelming response and demand, people are really digging in to this program and finding that it fits their lifestyle pretty well! As a results, people are really getting excited about getting fit for the first time and learning everything they can about it, and with that desire to learn as much as they can, people are really analyzing the Focus T25 calorie intake suggested in the T25 Nutrition Plan.

I have been getting a slew of questions and inquiries about whether or not 1100, 1200, or 1600 calories per day is enough fuel for your body with a program like T25. So lets first take a look at each of the three calorie intake options offered in the T25 Nutrition Guide:

Focus T25 Calorie Intake Levels

First off there is the Focus T25 5 Day Fast Track. This is based on a 1,100 calorie per day balance of proteins, carbs, and fats and has all your meals planned out for you. While this does sound incredibly low, there is a little disclaimer in the guide that states, if you are feeling low on energy , lagging in your workouts, or having trouble concentrating…you can double up on one or both of the snack options each day for a few more calories.

Your other two options are a 1,200 or 1,600 calorie/day plan. The one you choose is determined by the Focus T25 4-Step Calorie Quiz below

But the big question still remains:

is 1,100 – 1,200 – or even 1,600 calories enough fuel per day when doing a program as intense as Focus T25?

How to know if you are eating enough calories with Focus T25

you really need to listen to your body on this one… But it really has a lot to do with your current level of fitness. Some people’s metabolism burns much faster now that they are in shape. When they first started, they might have felt just fine at 1600cals/day whereas now, that same person who is in shape and has been eating clean for 12 months would pass out on only 1600cals/day.

Some people can function perfectly fine on 1,100 or 1,200 calories per day and have plenty of energy to spare. That is going to become increasingly difficult as you progress in your fitness journey. When you start fueling a furnace with the right kinds of fuel, and you start building a bigger, stronger, faster, healthier furnace…its going to require more fuel.

I remember hitting a giant plateau with P90X about a year and a half ago. I was taking in 1,900 calories per day and was seeing amazing results. But one day I just stopped losing fat….just STOPPED! I couldnt figure out why on earth I wasnt making any progress either. After a little research though, I tried upping my calorie intake to 2,300 calories per day… And wouldnt ya know it, the fat began melting away again! My body needed more fuel as it became more fit! I was feeding it the best kinds of fuel possible and I was burnin in up like crazy! So much so that my body went into a mini survival mode and conserved fat since it thought I was starving, lol.

Focus T25 Calorie Intake -Depleted vs Tired

How do you know you’re “depleted” and need more calories?

First off I am going to assume that you are getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night, otherwise energy depletion can be mistaken for sleep deprivation, lol. If you do NOT have the energy to do your workout and function with ample energy with normal daily tasks, and you have trouble concentrating…then I would say you are depleted and you might try upping your calorie intake by 100-200 cals per day.

This whole deal still begs another question though…

So should I follow the T25 Nutrition Plan?

T25 upper focus

Focus T25 Upper Focus Review

I would say that if you are just starting your fitness journey…yes, follow the nutrition plan and listen to your body to see if you need to add more calories along the way. If you have been rockin other beachbody fitness programs for some time now…1,600 calories per day might not be enough for you and your level of calorie needs. I would recommend starting out at 1,600 as specified in the T25 nutrition guide, and each day, really pay attention (if you can concentrate, lol) on how your body reacts. If you feel like you need more calories, bump it up by 1,00 calories per day and then see how you feel.

If your goal is fat loss though, you dont want to go over your calorie intake to maintain your current weight.

Did this info on the “Focus T25 calorie intake” help??? I know a lot of you were kind of hesitant to follow its guidelines, but hopefully this has brought you a little more comfort in knowing where and how you can plan and adjust.


Coach Todd

PS – If you want see EXACTLY what’s in my fridge and in my cupboards, along with the simple step-by-step method I used to lose 60lbs and get the body I WANTED…CLICK HERE!

PPS – If this article on Focus T25 calorie intake was helpful, go ahead and click the LIKE button and share it with others. It’ll help spread the word about how to live a more healthy fulfilling life…which is what we are all about here at RIPPEDCLUB! I really appreciate it!

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T25 – the name itself is so catchy. No wonder that today T25 or Focus T25 is the name on every fitness person’s lips. This is because the T25 workout schedule promises that its workout of just 25 minutes is equivalent to an hour-long workout at the gym. Due to the rising coronavirus cases, more and more people are apprehensive about exercising at the gym. In such situations, working out at home, that too for short periods with amazing results, is sure to catch everyone’s attention. The t25 workout was created by ShaunT, who is famous for workout DVDs and other exercise-related programs.

Focus T25 Program Overview

Focus T25 workout schedule consists of working out 6 times a week. One workout per day for the first 4 days. On the 5th day, two workouts. Day 6 is a rest day, and on 7th day a stretching exercise. The workout duration is only 25 minutes but then the Focus t25 workout schedule makes every moment count. The base schedule is for 60 days or10 weeks. The Focus t25 workout schedule is very convenient for beginners because of its proper warm-up and modified exercises. Here is a printable Focus t25 workout schedule available to download.

The exercise moves change every 30 seconds. Because of its growing popularity, the Focus t25 workout schedule now consists of 3 parts. The base schedule (or Alpha phase) is a 5-day workout; the Beta phase is for Month 2, which builds on the previous month’s program. After that, there is the advanced workout schedule called the Gamma. It focuses more on building strength and involves using more weights. However, there is a choice to either continue repeating the first two months or go for the gamma schedule. That is not the end. Another step ahead of Gamma, there is a Focus t25 workout schedule which is longer. It concentrates on building lean muscle and blast the fat. It’s fast and is a pure strength calendar.

Focus t25 utisci

The Alpha level can be considered the foundation, the beta level building on the foundation, and the Gamma level focuses on strength training. In short, the

Alpha level has – 6 workouts

  • T25 alpha Cardio – that is, traditional interval training
  • Speed 1.0 – focussing on speed, stability, and agility.
  • Total Body circuit – Cardio with a mix of total body resistance
  • AB Intervals – Work out for the whole core.
  • T25 Lower focus -Cardio with a mix of lower body exercises
  • Stretching exercises

The beta level has – 7 workouts

  • Core Cardio
  • Rip’T Circuit
  • Dynamic Core
  • Upper Focus
  • Speed 2.0
  • Stretch
  • Core Speed

Focus T25 Ulozto

Gamma level has – 4 workouts

  • The Pyramid
  • Rip’T Up
  • Extreme Circuit
  • Speed 3.0 workout

Focus t25 workout calendar is freely available for download on the internet. It is in PDF version and can be easily printed at home. It is an extra tool offered in the Focus t25 workout schedule to make every moment count. The schedule is already pre-written. The t25 workout calendar is available in two designs, that is horizontal and vertical design. The beautifully designed calendar shows every workout that needs to be done each day.

Focus T25 Alpha Phase Workout Calendar

Focus T25 Beta Phase Workout Calendar

Focus T25 Gamma Phase Workout Calendar


  • All that is required is some resistance bands or dumbbells. Plus, an exercise mat. This is optional. Being a video-based workout program, you will need a DVD player and TV to play the Workout DVD series.
  • After the t25 workout schedule, you can opt for other quick, intense workouts in the program.
  • If unsure about it, then there is free T25 streaming available for two weeks. You can check out the free version first and then order the program later.
  • No more ‘I don’t have time’ excuse. 25 minutes is all that it takes.
  • It is the fastest and best way to get a six-pack and lose baby fat.
  • t25 workout calendar ensures privacy and comfort to work out at home.
  • It also has a diet plan for better results and flexible options for various impact levels. As per claims, it only requires about 5 minutes to prepare these diets.


T25 upper focus review
  • Being high-impact exercises, there are bound to be some risks and injuries such as falls, sprains, body pains, and fatigue.
  • This type of exercise is not good for pregnant women and those who have arthritis and joint pain.


The T25 exercise is a high-impact program for people of all ages. It is great for building up muscle and working out the core, cardio, stomach, joints, etc. Besides that, it helps build great abs. All this can be achieved in a short span of 10 weeks of just 25-minute sessions. Being of aerobic nature, they make you sweat and build strength in various routines. Overall, the t25 workout schedule and t25 workout calendar are ideal for those who have limited time and space for workouts.