Huniepop 2

About HuniePop 2: Double Date. Take a trip to an exotic island paradise for a steamy new adventure in this long awaited sequel to the popular dating sim / puzzle game hybrid, HuniePop! An era of darkness and destruction draws near as an ancient evil of limitless lechery, the Nymphojinn, will soon be awoken by a cosmic super-period of. HuniePop is a unique sim experience for PC, Mac and Linux. It's a gameplay first approach that's part dating sim, part puzzle game, with light RPG elements, a visual novel style of presentation, an abrasive western writing style and plenty of 'plot'. After a pathetic attempt to try and pick up Kyu, a magic love fairy in disguise, she decides to. Take a trip to an exotic island paradise for a steamy new adventure in this long awaited sequel to the popular dating sim / puzzle game hybrid, HuniePop! Story Summary An era of darkness and destruction draws near as an ancient evil of limitless lechery, the Nymphojinn, will soon be awoken by a cosmic super-period of unspeakable PMS. Reunite with Kyu, your old love fairy sidekick, and travel. Mar 14, 2021 Here’s the thing about HuniePop 2: Double Date’s Nora — she isn’t afraid of doing some unscrupulous things to take care of the people she loves. Although she works as the Love Lei Hotel’s cleaning lady by day, she sells drugs on the side and has been known to swipe things from hotel guests to turn around for some cash later. HuniePop 2: Double Date download PC game cracked in direct link and torrent. An era of darkness and destruction draws near as an ancient evil of limitless lechery, the Nymphojinn, will soon be awoken by a cosmic super-period of unspeakable PMS.

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  • Author's Saving Throw:
    • Although the audience of the first game doesn't mind becoming someone who bangs several girls (since that's kind of the point), there were a few people who were uncomfortable with the protagonist never telling any of the girls that they were dating other girls as well, with at least one girl confirming that she doesn't know that the player is having sex with other girls while they're dating her. Since Double Date is all about dating (and having sex with) two girls at once, that point has been rendered moot, with all the girls either treating you as a friend with benefits or having an open relationship with you.
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    • As a byproduct of the focus on threesomes, there are a lot more interactions between the different girls spread throughout the game. The first game had some interaction between the girls on initial meetings, but never afterward.
    • You can override the outfits the girls wear on dates with the outfits you pick out for them.
  • Awesome Music: The theme of the final date against the Nymphojinn somehow manages to be hilariously unfitting and fitting at the exact same time.
  • Catharsis Factor: It can be amusing to make Sarah upset due to the kind of Baggage she brings on dates, as well as her reactions to the player upsetting her.
  • Crosses the Line Twice:
    • Once again, almost anything that comes out of Kyu's mouth.
      'Boi-oi-oi-oi-oing! Is there anything better than a MILF? Uhh, yeah. TWO MILFS! My god... between the two of them, there's enough titty milk to end world hunger!'
      'What's that smell? You smell that? It smells like... like a FUCKIN' WEEB!'
      'Ugh! I can't get anywhere near these hoes! Their bitch wall is too strong!'
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    • Kyu encountering Candace is just... wow.
      'Whoaaa... WHO is THIS angel?! She's like, an eleven... no, a TWELVE! Fuck... This is the kinda chick that's so hot, you wouldn't mind getting the herp from her, ya know? Like, this bitch is SO hot, I would pay her just to spit in my face. I would suck... her KNEES.I would chug a two-liter of her genital juice like I was a competitive fucking eater!'
    • The game has a lot of this, but probably the most notable one is the code for getting Lailani's koimono outfit. It's 'Yellow Tuberculosis'
    • Some of the girls' personalities are so over-the-top that it comes full circle, such as the Freudian Slip prone Abia, or the emo millennial valley girl Lillian's constant ruminations on death.
    • When the player and Jessie meet Brooke for the first time, one of the dialogue options is to announce a sudden craving for milk.
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  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Ashley is one of the most popular girls in the game, with her hilarious, yet surprisingly sweet personality endearing her to fans. In an official popularity poll, she placed first. Lailani is also very popular among fans, with her endearingly adorable and kind personality. Many, many players lamented that one of her pairings was... ugh, Sarah.
  • Moe: Lailani is just a really sweet, balanced, sincere girl who's good at her job and wants everyone to feel accommodated. She's one of the few girls who doesn't criticize you if you fail a date or make her upset.
  • Narm Charm:
    • The intro cutscene plays out like a typical retelling of a prophecy of a hero rising up to defeat an imminent threat. But because it's HuniePop, the subject matter is a fair bit more sexual than you'd expect. While the full game's intro cutscene cuts out after Kyu's 'I might know somebody', the trailer announces the game with a bombastic tune that heavily resembles what you'd hear from Avengers: Endgame. It's unusually hype-inducing for an H-Game that doesn't have much lore to speak of.
    • The entire encounter with the Nymphojinn can only be summed up as 'hilariously awesome' because the whole prospect that you having sex with them will decide the fate of the world and that as you're dating them, they will make amusing remarks about how they really enjoy the date gifts you're giving them.
  • Sequel Difficulty Spike: If you just had to balance two girls during a puzzle, you would have a tougher time than the first game by default, but due to money and experience points being consolidated, being limited to using two food items before a date, and the Baggage system, the player has to do a lot more pre-planning and micromanaging for successful dates. This was generally received well, as a majority of players voted the game's difficulty as 'Tough but fair' in a post-launch poll.
  • The Scrappy: Sarah's a contender for the most hated character in the series. She's an irritatingly hyperactive girl who talks non-stop about Japan, with her high-pitched voice and 'knowledge' about Japan making her constant gabbing not helping matters... The fact that she doesn't bathe regularly and fucking stinks (see below) is the straw that broke the camel's back for many Huniepop 2 players. In an official popularity poll, she placed dead last.
    • At least some of this appears to be an Intended Audience Reaction, as she even has a baggage named 'Annoying as Fuck' that's potentially one of the most destructive in the game - randomly generating heartbreak tokens when you score a match, potentially setting off a messy chain reaction.
  • Squick: As if Sarah wasn't already bad enough with her extremely annoying weebness, you discover one of her Baggage is titled 'Smelly Pussy'. Good fucking GOD.
  • That One Attack: Well, That One Baggage, but while most of the girls' baggage are manageable and can be relatively easy to counter, some are so bad that you practically have to use a hygiene date gift on them when they're active.
    • Zoey's 'Kinda Crazy' removes a row of tokens each time you make a move on her. In a game where carefully thought-out moves are essential in succeeding a date, this makes her more than unwieldy to make a move on considering the randomness of her baggage.
    • Sarah's 'Attention Whore' makes it so that occasionally a move that was going to be made on the other girl instead be made on her. This can make what would be a powerful move to the other girl be a total dud, or one vital for keeping the date going (i.e. restoring the other girl's stamina). Especially bad if you combine this with Zoey's 'Aquaphobic' baggage or the below-mentioned 'Abandonment Issues' baggage. Of course, the simple solution is to just focus on her, but the player might have a good reason why they shouldn't do that (such as a low Flirtation level, or the other girl having an easier time getting Passion).
    • Nora's 'Abandonment Issues' baggage takes 5% of the current amount of affection away from the player each time you switch away from her to the other girl. Unless you get extremely lucky with Stamina matches, you're going to be doing that a lot, so she will end up taking away affection quite often. This baggage can realistically be the difference between a barely succeeded date and a failed date.
    • Out of all the baggage that refrains you from giving a date gift to the girls, Lailani's 'Sheepish' is the most notable because not only does it stop you from giving you a very powerful date gift, the vibrator, to either of the girls, it refrains you from also giving hygiene date gifts. This can be bad as the girls she's paired with often have baggage you don't want to deal with. The only way to get around this is to make Lailani upset or exhausted, but that can be very risky depending on how the date is going.
  • That One Boss: The final boss is a massive difficulty spike from the rest of the game. You need to win 4 dates in a row, with the Nymphojinn taking the forms of various girls (with their accompanying baggage). Completing the date quickly becomes a borderline Luck-Based Mission where the various luck based mechanics inherent to the genre (such as not getting the matches you need, freak accident chain reactions resulting in broken heart matches, the girl’s baggage, etc.) quickly stack the odds against you. Not helping is that you have only 100 moves which are shared across all 4 rounds meaning it’s very likely to screw yourself over by taking too many moves in one round and not having enough for the rest.

As a huge fan of the original game, HuniePop 2: Double Date is one of my most anticipated lewd games in quite some time. As I write this the game is not finished, but I thought it would be fun to take a look at this hotly anticipated dating sim and see why so many people (myself included) are excited for this to be fully released.


Huniepop 2 Steam

Welcome Back… You!

The protagonist of HuniePop 2: Double Date is once again the same as it was in the last game, you! The story of the game is that once again you are trying to find that special person, although this time around you are doing it double date style. Double the fun, but it could also result in double the trouble as well.

So far, we know that there are going to be at least 13 girls in the game for us to try our luck with. I am sure there will be more in the final game, but each girl has her own personality and things that she likes and dislikes.

Styling And Profiling

One of the things that drew most people into the first game is the presentation. HuniePop 2: Double Date features some of the best-looking girls you will see in a game of this style. The art here is just top of the line in every regard. The girls have all the curves in the right places and even if you were to play the less than extreme version of the game you will still be happy with the way these girls look. They manage to be both cute, smoking hot, and even a bit on the slutty side as well.

One thing that is neat is the clothing aspect of the game. There are different articles of clothing for the girls and they will not just wear these on dates, but in the CG scenes as well which is cool.


Huniepop 2

Prepare For Trouble, Make It Double!

The gimmick of this game is that it is a dating sim. A dating sim that also has puzzle elements in it as well. What is going on here in HuniePop 2: Double Dates that you have two girls you are dating at the very same time. There is only double dating in this game. This means that you have to juggle to girls at once and keep an eye on their affection and sentiment meter to make sure that the date is going the way that you want.

There is a lot to keep an eye on in the game and that is a huge part of the fun. They have not shown all the cards of what the full level of gameplay is going to be, but it looks like it is going to be even more fun than the first game.

I feel that HuniePop 2: Double Date is one of the most important lewd games to be released in 2020 and one that I wish they would just hurry up and get finished. So far, it is shaping up to be even more awesome than the first. The double dating aspect of the game is sure to be full of hijinks and add in some extra strategy to the game as well. If you love lewd games, then you have to keep an eye on this one.


  • The double dating aspect seems like a ton of fun
  • Lots of hot girls to get it on with
  • The humor is going to be great
  • The presentation is fantastic
  • Plenty of puzzles to solve


  • Will this game ever be finished?
  • Just how lewd will they let us get?
Overall rating: 9