South Park Episodes 200 201

South Park Episodes 200 201

However, the following South Park episode, '201', a direct continuation of '200', was heavily edited by Comedy Central. Doug Herzog, the former head of Comedy Central, told The Hollywood Reporter. The Episode “200” has since disappeared from iTunes Store. The controversy surrounding Episode “201” seemed to be the reason why Episode “200” was taken off the iTunes Store, Amazon Digital Download and the broadcast. The previously available episode “200” was identical to the Uncensored version that was streamed at South Park. Despite the controversies, '200' and '201' are available on the region 1 release of South Park – The Complete Fourteenth Season disc. The episodes were censored and so were the commentaries regarding the episodes.


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'You see, I learned something today...'
In this sequel to '200,' the celebrities that have been insulted and mocked for over 200 episodes continue their search for Mohammed so they can find the secret of why he's never been insulted. Meanwhile, Cartman discovers the horrible truth: He does have a father and the story that his mom is a hermaphrodite was a lie.


South Park Episodes 200 201
  • Accidental Murder: Stan and Kyle do this to Tom Cruise by sending him to the moon.
  • Bait-and-Switch: The previous episode sets up a scenario where Muhammad is apparently disguised in a bear suit, and the gingers want him to step out of it to verify if it's really him. This episode reveals that it's really Santa Claus inside the suit.
    Stan: If we were gonna have someone in a bear costume, why would we actually have it be Muhammad, you fucking idiot?!
  • Bait-and-Switch: By the end of the episode, Cartman is in tears. Except he's not crying because he just found out he got his own father killed, but because he just found out that he's 'half-ginger'.
  • Big 'NO!': Cartman yells one when Scott reveals that he killed their own father.
  • The Bus Came Back: Several characters who hadn't been seen in a while, such as Santa and Mr. Hankey, make appearances.
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  • But Now I Must Go: Mitch Connor leaves due to having a bounty on his head.
  • Cluster Bleep-Bomb: Comedy Central not only censored any mention of Muhammad's name, but also Kyle's, Jesus' and Santa's speech near the end. For a while, Parker and Stone were not allowed to disclose what they said. The ending was eventually leaked.
  • Double Standard: Parodied mercilessly throughout the episode, particularly in one scene which depicts Jesus looking at pornography and Buddha snorting cocaine.
  • Internal Retcon: Liane Cartman is revealed not to be a hermaphrodite as said in 'Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut', but she really had Cartman with Broncos player Jack Tenorman. The town just covered it up because they didn't want an illegitimate child scandal to tarnish the Broncos' good season.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
    Kyle: Dude, nobody gives a crap about who your stupid father is! Muhammad is an important issue with actual ethical ramifications!
    Cartman: I guarantee you people care way more about who my father is!
    • The true, uncensored ending about threats of violence being an effective tool; the other parts of the episode were censored at least partially due to threats of violence.
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  • Painting the Medium: When Tom Cruise steals Mohammad's 'goo', a Censor Box appears over him. It disappears when it turns out he's not immune to being made fun of after all.
  • The Reveal: Cartman's father is also Scott Tenorman's, meaning he mutilated his own father when Mr. and Mrs. Tenorman were shot by Farmer Jenkins, and that he's half-ginger.
  • Self-Made Orphan: This episode reveals that thanks to his actions in 'Scott Tenorman Must Die', Cartman is halfway there.
  • Shout-Out: The climax is a parody of The Killing Joke.
  • Spoof Aesop: The bleeped speech near the end recommended using threats and violence to get what you want.
  • Skewed Priorities: Cartman is far more upset that he is 'half-ginger' than he is about the fact he killed his father and fed him to his half-brother.
  • Take That!: The episode continues the two-parter's ongoing potshot at not being allowed to show an inoffensive image of Muhammad, while Jesus and Buddha are okay to portray as engaging in sacrilegious behavior.
  • Villain Team-Up: The celebrities and the gingers agree to share their resources.
  • Violence Is the Only Option: As it turns out, stealing people's 'goo' is not the way to get your way, because such goo doesn't exist.
  • Wham Episode: This episode shed a lot of light on previous episodes.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Kyle's reaction when Mitch Connor cheers Cartman up by telling him that although Cartman is 'half-ginger', he's also 'half-Denver Bronco'.
    Mitch: Shut up Kyle, you dumb Jew.

South Park

Cartman discovers that he killed his own father.

Example of:

South Park Episodes 200/201


South Park Episodes 200 201

South Park Episodes 200 201

iTunes Store Season Pass customer for “South Park: Uncensored, Season 14” reported that they were able to download Episode “200” prior the airing of Episode “201” on Wednesday. The Episode “200” has since disappeared from iTunes Store. The controversy surrounding Episode “201” seemed to be the reason why Episode “200” was taken off the iTunes Store, Amazon Digital Download and the broadcast.

The previously available episode “200” was identical to the Uncensored version that was streamed at South Park Studios.

South Park Banned Episodes 200 201

According to an Apple iTunes Store Representative, South Park Episode “200” was indeed taken off the iTunes Store citing the iTunes Usage Rules:

Episodes 200 And 201 South Park

Apple reserves the right not to post or publish any materials, and to delete, remove or edit any material, at any time in its sole discretion without notice or liability.

South Park Ep 200 201

It is unclear if South Park Episode “200” was taken off the iTunes Store by Apple or by request from Comedy Central. Episode “201” was scheduled to be made available on iTunes Store this Saturday April 24th, 2010. It is unclear if and when Episode “201” will be made available for purchase.

At the Amazon Video On Demand, Episode “200” is also unavailable.