Usb Loader Gx 4.3

9:26 How to get usb loader on wii 4.3. 7:40 Install The Homebrew Channel Wii 4.3U. This is a demo of some of the emulators that can be ran inside the homebrew channel, and a quick demo of the usb loader gx Links to downloads Bootmii. Some people, including me, were having issues with games that needs version 4.2 or more, such as SMG2, Black Ops, etc.With Priiloader, and the hacks.ini I'll. Supported Software: USB Loader GX All. Rating: 8 / 10 Votes: 3. Porsche Loader uploaded by T3kstiil3 on Wed Aug 12 2009. Rating: 6 / 10 Votes: 4.

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USB Loader Releases

Configurable USB Loader +GUICoverFloader (WiiCoverFlow)WiiFlowMighty LoaderNeoGammauLoader by HermesUSB LoaderGX
Current Version701.3(r1062)4.2.1 (R441)v17.2R8 Final (R9 Beta 47)5.1E3.0 (r1233)
Release DateJuly 7, 2011Aug 6, 2010Dec 31, 2013Aug 6, 2012Oct 9, 2010April 9, 2010November 10, 2014
Codersoggzee, usptacticalBeardface, scognito, f1she4rs, LoudBob, [email protected], afourr-win, miigotu, OverjoYMarcWiiPowerHermesCyan, Dimok, nIxx, giantpune, ardi, Hungyip, DrayX7, Lustar, r-win, WiiShizza
Artworks: Neorame & Cyrex
Based OnWaninkoko 1.5
Kwiirk yal
Waninkoko 1.5Waninkoko 1.5Waninkoko 1.5WiiGator Gamma 0.3
Kwiirk yal
Waninkoko's cios 249
kwiirk's modded cios 222
Hermes' modded cIOS with mloader
d2x cIOS, IOS58,
DM(L) & Nintendont, Devolution
Hardware Supported
Interface Options
Game ListedConfigurableUnlimitedUnlimitedConfigurable115 Channels9 with Scrollbar, Channels
Cover / Box Art Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Background Image Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes
Background Music Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes
Wiimote Pointer Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Transparency Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
WideScreen Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Change the Titlename with txt file Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
Custom Layout Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Cover Auto Resize both 4:3/16:9 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Game sorting Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes
Game/Video Mode Patches
Game Language Select Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manual Video Force Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ocarina (Cheat Engine) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ocarina TXT(Cheat Engine) Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Child-Proof Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Parental Control,
Specific Titles
Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Individual Game Settings Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Update / Online Functions
Automatic Box Art / Cover Download Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Auto Update Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes
Configurable USB Loader +GUICoverFloader (WiiCoverFlow)WiiFlowMighty LoaderNeoGammauLoader by HermesUSB LoaderGX
SorgFix Yes Yes YesUnknown No Yes Yes
LoPsT Mod (HDD Timeout) YesUnknown YesUnknown Yes Yes Yes
Other USB devices Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Other features
Add Game
Update Partitions
YesUnknown Yes No No No Yes
Multiple WBFS partitions Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes
cIOS mloader support YesUnknown Yes No No Yes Yes
cMIOS support No No Yes No Yes No Yes
Support for waninkokos cios rev13 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Support for cios 222 3.0 (v4) Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Use a FAT32 partition to store settings Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
IOS Reload Block Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Alternative .dol from disc Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alternative .dol from SD Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alternative .dol from USB Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
External EHCI Modules Support Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes
Banner Sound Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Starting games from a FAT32 partition Yes (.wbfs) No Yes (.wbfs) No No Yes (.ciso) Yes (.wbfs)
Can read split game files from a FAT32 partition Yes (.wbf1) No Yes (.wbf1) No No No Yes (.wbf1)
Starting games from an NTFS partition Yes (.wbfs, .iso) No Yes (.wbfs, .iso) No No No Yes (.wbfs, .iso)
BCA Protection support Yes (.bca file) No Yes Yes Partial (only NSMB) Yes (iso and .txt database) Yes (.bca file)
Install a game disc to a hard drive partition Yes (WBFS, FAT, NTFS unreliable) No Yes (WBFS, FAT, NTFS reliable) No No Yes (WBFS) Yes (WBFS, FAT, NTFS)
Starting game discs from Wii drive Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Starting game discs from external USB DVD reader No No No No No Yes Yes
Starting game files burnt onto DVD No No Yes No No Yes (.ciso) Yes
NAND Emulation (Savegames/DLC) Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes (Requires d2x cIOS v7+)
NAND Emulation (Wiiware/VC) Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes (Requires d2x cIOS v8+)
vWii Support Unknown Unknown Yes (UStealth Support) Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes (Req. d2x cIOS-vWii v10+)
GameCube-Games Yes (Req. Devolution or DM(L) or Nintendont) Unknown Yes (Req. Devolution or DM(L) or Nintendont) Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes (Req. Devolution or DM(L) or Nintendont)
Triforce Arcade-Games Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Yes (Req. QuadForce 4.x)
Wii Channel DownloadForwarder or ChannelForwarderChannel and PriiloaderNoneFiletrip - ChannelForwarderForwarder or Channel
Configurable USB Loader +GUICoverFloader (WiiCoverFlow)WiiFlowMighty LoaderNeoGammauLoader by HermesUSB LoaderGX

Features Explanation

Interface Options

  • USB/SD Loader : Load Wii games from USB device and/or SD card
  • Game List: Number of games displayed at once
  • Cover / Box Art: Display Wii game's Cover
  • Background Image: Name of the background picture if it can be changed
  • Background Music
  • WiiMote Pointer Support
  • Transparency: support alpha channel or transparency for themes, backgrounds and cover images
  • Widescreen: Proper support for widescreen TVs
  • Change the titlename with txt file: Read the game's name from a file instead of wbfs partition
  • Custom Layout: Able to change location of box art, games list, etc.
  • Cover auto Resize 4:3/16:9 : Automatically detect widescreen and resize the cover. No need to download different cover size.

Game/Video Mode Patches

  • Game Language Select
  • Video Mode: user can choose what video mode to use: PAL/NTSC
  • Child Proof: Disable install / remove options
  • Parental Control, Only Show Games Flagged as Appropriate
  • Ocarina: Cheats for wii games which have to be activated by creating a GCT file with another utility
  • Ocarina TXT: Cheats for Wii games (no GCT creation needed, and individual cheat activation/deactivation can be made from within USB loader)

Update / Online Functions

  • Automatic Boxart Download
  • Auto Update: Automatic download of the latest version


  • Sorg Fix: Display more names, navigation with left/right, no TV mode change
  • LoPsT Mod (HDD Timeout): Give hard drive more time to start
  • Other USB devices: Able to use other devices than USB disk (microphones, rock band instruments, etc)

Usb Loader Gx 4.3u Download

Other features

  • Add Game With / Without Update Partition, Not needed with most games, but may be used in the future official release to repair certain games.
  • Multiple WBFS partitions: Can use a drive with several partitions formatted in WBFS
  • cIOS mloader support: Can use new cIOS architecture with external modules (EHCI, etc). included with the application instead of cIOS reinstall
  • cMIOS support: Can use cMIOS to load GameCube Games from DVD
  • DVD Support: (Start games from DVD) REMOVED, see 'Starting games discs from Wii drive' below
  • Support for waninkokos cios rev13: Supports rev13a with more compatibility then rev13b
  • Support for cios 222 3.0 (v4): Full support for cIOS 222 3.0 new features: EHCI based on interrupts, with supervisor system access, bulk reset option (geater compatibility and stability), boot2v4 compatibility
  • Use a FAT32 partition to store settings: Supports FAT32 partition to load covers and config files instead of SD card.
  • IOS Reload Block: IOS reload blocking allows to load games like House of The Dead 2
  • Alternative .dol from SD: Using an external .dol allows to load games like Red Steel
  • Alternative .dol from disc: Extract the alternative .dol from disc image automatically, without the need for WiiScrubber.
  • Alternative .dol from USB: Load the alternative .dol from FAT32 partition in USB device.
  • External EHCI Modules: Supports loading of different EHCI modules from SD card, increasing compatibility with different disks or USB peripherals
  • Starting games from a FAT32 partition: Use a FAT32 partiton to store game files instead of specially formatting a WBFS partition.
  • Can read split game files from a FAT32 partition: To avoid the 4GB filesize limit on FAT32 partitions.
  • Starting games from an NTFS partition: Use an NTFS partiton to store game files instead of specially formatting a WBFS partition. NTFS support is usually more unreliable that FAT32 support.
  • BCA Protection ISO support: Support to read relocated data of BCA protection (like New Super Mario Bros or Avatar) at offset 0x100 in .iso or offset 0x8100 in .ciso. There's a new utility to edit BCA data on .iso or .ciso files. It requires .NET Framework or Mono Framework: Download
  • BCA Protection file support: Support to read data of BCA protection from GAMEID.bca file (binary data of size 64 bytes)
  • Install a game disc to a hard drive partition: Install a game disc to a hard drive partition as a game file.
  • Starting game discs from Wii drive: Use the Wii internal reader to load game discs
  • Starting game discs from external USB DVD reader: Using a external USB DVD Reader instead of the Wii internal reader
  • Starting game files burnt onto DVD: Read one or more game files burnt onto a single DVD (remark, latest build-in DVD players block this function)
  • NAND Emulation (Savegames/DLC): SD or USB disc to store savegames and/or DLC (for example, songs for guitar hero/rock band) using NAND emulation instead of Wii internal flash
  • NAND Emulation (Wiiware/VC): Launch/install Wiiware/VC titles using NAND emulation instead of Wii internal flash

Usb Loader Gx 4.3 Updated Version


  • Channel: Wii Channel type (Forwarder or Channel) to install on Wii menu.
  • HBC app: USBLoader for homebrew channel

Bugs Not Yet Fixed in all loaders

NameDescriptionExamples of (Games) AffectedFixed
Patched to 249 GamesOld Games that require patching to IOS249Red Steel, Mortal Kombat Armageddon, SSXBlurWorks by using USB loaders with an alternate DOL feature, such as USB Loader GX, uLoader, etc.
Reload IOSGames that Perform a reload of IOSMetroid Prime 3Works by having any DVD in the system. For some, such as Boom Blox Bash Party, works by using USB loaders with prevent reload, such as USB Loader GX, uLoader, etc.
002 ErrorGames that produce a 002 ErrorBoom Blox Bash PartyWorks by using USB loaders with anti-002 error, such as USB Loader GX, uLoader, Wiiflow, etc.
USB DevicesUse of Other USB Devices at same timeWii Speak, LAN AdapterFixed by using cIOS with mloader support, such as Hermes' cIOS 222 or 223
BCA ProtectionCauses game to crash after few minutes' playing.New Super Mario Bros WiiReplace main.dol with fixed one or use a loader with (partial or full) BCA relocated data support.


Backup Launchers‎ > ‎

USB Loaders

USB loaders are the second iteration of backup loaders, mostly replacing the older disc based backup loaders.
  • Near perfect compatibility with Wii games
  • More updates (newer features, improved compatibility etc)
  • Faster loading speeds (loads game MUCH faster than even original Wii discs, and definitely faster than the even slower Disc backup launchers)
  • Nice interface for selecting games
  • No disc swapping
  • ....
Note: Depending on your cIOS version, only one USB port on the Wii may recognize the USB drive (usually the outermost one).
Make sure to try out both ports! This applies to all launchers.
FAQ (read before continuing)

Firstly, make sure to try both USB ports. Some cIOSs have problems detecting both USB ports. In general, the outer most USB port will be the working one (but try both anyway).
You may also need to format the drive to a supported format (FAT32, NTFS).
Large drives (>3TB) may give problems. Try partitioning the drive in smaller chunks.
In rare cases, your drive may be simply incompatible.
Will USB 3.0 drives work?
Yes. Note, however, that USB3.0 drives require more power and thus may need an external power supply, or the use of a Y-Cable.
Note that the Wii is capable of USB2.0 only and will read at USB2.0 speeds.
Can I also use SD cards instead of USB?
Yes, all loaders support loading from SD. Just note that SD cards are quite limited in space. Wii games vary from a few hundred MB to over 7GB. They are also much slower than a HDD.
How do I install games to my hard drive?
There are multiple ways to install games to the USB drive.
Firstly, all loaders can rip games directly. The way to do this is different per loader, but usually there is an option in the menu, or a button to press, such as +
There are other Homebrew apps such as Cleanrip that can rip the games to ISO format.
In order to install a game (ISO) from your computer to the drive, use a tool such as Wii Backup Manager
Can I play GameCube games from USB as well?
You can, but you need to install a GameCube loader first. Please see the GameCube section (after you choose your USB loader). After installation, the USB Loaders below will support GameCube games automatically.
How do I download the cover images?
Cover images can be downloaded via the USB loader itself. If you don't have an internet connection on the Wii, you can manually download the covers from and place them on the SD card or USB device (exact location differs per loader).
Can I load games from other regions (eg. PAL games on NTSC console)?
Yes, all USB loaders are region free. You may need to tweak the settings (such as video mode), though.
What is WBFS?
Wii Backup File System. A special format that was developed to efficiently contain Wii backups.
Initially, this was a full file system, but later on this was replaced by files with .wbfs extension on a normal FAT32 or NTFS partition.
If you still have a WBFS partition, it is recommended to convert it to FAT32.
Please choose one of the loaders provided below.
Which one is best for you depends on your personal preferences.
You can also have more than one loader, if you prefer.
USB Loader GX

Configurable USB Loader
