Android Studio 2.3.3

1) Setting up Android Studio

Download the Android studio from here

I had 7GB free on the root partition, but Android Studio failed to update because it was dumping all updates in to /tmp, and 7GB was not enough! Turns out it's is a known problem with Android Studio updates. There's a JVM argument to tell Android Studio to use a different tmp location for downloads.

Install android studio

2) Setting up Android SDK

  1. Android Studio version 2.3.3 or higher. Android SDK 7.1.1 'Nougat' (API level 25) or higher. In Android Studio, go to Preferences Appearance and Behavior System Settings Android SDK (includes samples) to review or update installed SDKs. The latest Google VR SDK for Android. Open the Google VR SDK project in Android Studio.
  2. Follow these steps to create a web Browser Android application using Android Studio. I have included the source code above. Step 1 Open Android Studio and start a New Android Studio Project. You can choose your application name and choose where your project is stored. If you wish to use C for coding the project, mark the 'Include C.
  3. 10) Start up Android Studio again and import the android project from the SDL2 source code which should be at 'C: androidlib SDL2-2.0.5 android-project' 11) Set the destination to a new folder inside of some accessable directory that is ideally dedicated to containing Android projects.
  4. 1) Setting up Android Studio. Download the Android studio from here. Install android studio. 2) Setting up Android SDK. If you have an internet connection you can download every system images easily or else if you have an SDK already you can point to the corresponding folder. 3) Create a new project.

If you have an internet connection you can download every system images easily or else if you have an SDK already you can point to the corresponding folder.


3) Create a new project

This is the new project window of Android Studio, you can give your project a name and give a domain name if you have one or give a test domain name in a valid domain format. The project name can be anything it is not the same as the app label you find in your mobile screen, don’t worry you can change the app name later.

click next

This is where you select the minimum SDK for the application to be supported. I think you have noticed when installing some application the error message shows parsing error or installation failed. This occur normally when an app is installed to an old version of android or when installing a proprietary software. Our case is to manage the first one. We need to decide the minimum SDK version according to the audience of our app. Select this after checking your android phone, because it is easy to use our device to test the app rather than using android emulator.

Now i don’t know about the android wear development and TV etc. So let’s tick off the other 3 options for now and click Next.

This is the add an activity screen. Let me explain first about activity. Activity is the viewing area of an application. Not simply a screen. As google’s documents we must reduce the number of activities in an application, don’t redesign your application wait don’t go, reduce the number of activities and use fragments inside each activity. For example take a photo frame, you can fix photos in it, transparent films on it, colored films on it anything you want, Frame is the activity and the contents inside are fragments.

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That means you can divide your app into two if you use a simple authentication (Password Protection) in your app, A LoginActivity and a MainActivity.

The login activity may contain the screens (fragments) for the entry to the app like sign in form, forgot password form, sign up form, etc. and MainActivity may contain the rest of the screens after logging into the app, the home, the feed etc.

These are not only the reasons for google’s recommendation, The activities are heavyweight compared to the fragments so apps with more screens may take a little more memory when using Activities only.

Android Studio 2.3.3 Version Download

So it’s a good practice to reduce the number of activities as possible and arrange and divide your app into modules.

Now select Empty Activity and click Next

This is the customize activity dialog box. Here we can give the activity a name and we can give the layout name for the activity. In android every activity and fragments has a layout file in XML format. We design our User Interface in XML in android. Every objects like buttons, text fields, spinners(drop down) etc. are defined in XML.

Giving an activity a good name is an indication of a good developer. Correct naming conventions help a lot in development section.

Always give every activity a last name Activity and don’t give space between the name start with caps for every word.

For naming a layout file we have to use only lower case letters, for XML files always specify what is it at the starting of its name and use underscores in between each words.

Click Finish and your project will start.

November 6, 2019 update: Android Studio 2.3.3
  • There's a new open source Cardboard SDK that offers a streamlined API, improved device compatibility, and built-in viewer profile QR code scanning. We recommend that all developers actively building for Google Cardboard migrate to the new Cardboard SDK: iOS, Android NDK, Unity XR Plugin (SDK)
October 15, 2019 update:
  • The Daydream View VR headset is no longer available for purchase. However, you can continue to use the existing Google VR SDK to update and distribute your apps to the Google Play Store, and make them available to users in the Daydream app.

Use the Google VR SDK to build apps for Daydream and Cardboard. This guideshows you how to set up Android Studio for Google VR development and try out asample app.

Set up your development environment

Hardware requirements:

  • Daydream: You'll need a Daydream-ready phoneand a Daydream View.

  • Cardboard: You'll need an Android device running Android 4.4 'KitKat'(API level 19) or higher and a Cardboard viewer.

Software requirements:

  • Android Studioversion 2.3.3 or higher.

  • Android SDK 7.1.1 'Nougat' (API level 25) or higher.
    In Android Studio, go toPreferences > Appearance and Behavior > System Settings >Android SDK (includes samples) to review or update installed SDKs.

  • The latest Google VR SDK for Android.

Open the Google VR SDK project in Android Studio

  1. Extract the downloaded Google VR SDK into a convenient location.

  2. Open Android Studio and select Open an existing Android Studio project.
    Select the directory where you extracted the Google VR SDK.

  3. In the Project window, review the sample gradle modules ingvr-android-sdk > samples:

    sdk-hellovrVR sample app in which you look for and collect objects.
    sdk-controllerclientSample showing how to receive and handle Daydream controller input.
    sdk-simplepanowidgetWidget to load a panoramic image from disk. See VR View guide.
    sdk-simplevideowidgetWidget to render a 360 degree video using VRVideoView. See VR View guide.
    sdk-video360Widget to render a 360 degree video. See video360 guide.
    sdk-videoplayerSample activity for video playback using the Asynchronous Reprojection Video Surface API.
    See Using video viewports in the Google VR NDK guide for more details.

Prepare your device

Build and run the sample app

  1. Connect your phone to your machine using a USB cable.

  2. In Android Studio, select Run > Run... and select thesamples-sdk-hellovr target.
    Android Studio compiles and runs the application on your phone.

  3. Put your phone into your viewer and use the app.

    • Look around for the large cube.
    • Daydream: Point the controller at the cube and press the touchpadbutton to collect it.
      Cardboard: Look at the cube and press the Cardboard button tocollect it.
    • The cube moves to a new location after a button press.
The sample app shows the following core features of the Google VR SDK:
Stereo renderingApp views are rendered in stereo to create a 3D effect.
Spatial audioSounds come from different areas of the VR world, increasing its realism.
Head movement trackingUsers can move their heads to look around a VR world. Views update in response to head movement.
User inputUsers can interact with the app using a Daydream controller or Cardboard button.

Using Google VR in your own projects

To use the Google VR SDK or NDK in your own projects, set up Google VRdependencies.If you are using ProGuardin your app, add rules to ensure that it does not obfuscate any SDK or NDK code.

Android studio 2.3.3 free download

Setting up Google VR dependencies

  1. Configure your project level build.gradle file:

    • Make sure that the default jcenter() repository location is declared.
    • Declare an Android Gradle plugin dependency:
      Google VR SDK projects: Use gradle:2.3.3 or higher.
      Google VR NDK projects: Use gradle-experimental:0.9.3 or higher.

  2. Add Google VR SDK library dependencies in your module level build.gradle files. You can see available libraries and their versions in gvr-android-sdk > libraries.
    As an example, review the dependencies declared for the sample app in gvr-android-sdk > samples > sdk-hellovr > build.gradle.

    For more information, see Add Build Dependencies in the Android Studio guide.

Configure ProGuard

If you are using ProGuard to minimize your app's APK file,make sure that ProGuard does not obfuscate any Google VR SDK or NDK code.This makes it easier to debug stack traces in release builds.

Add the Google VR ProGuard proguard-gvr.txtrules to your module level build.gradle file:

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Next steps

Como Actualizar Android Studio 2.3 A 3.0

To learn more about the Google VR SDK, see the following resources.

Android Studio 2.3.3 Download

  • Learn about Google VR design and development principles in Daydream elements.
  • Learn how to enable 6DoF tracking in your app.
  • Daydream: Learn about implementing Daydream controller user interactionsin your app:
    • Review the controller library in gvr-android-sdk > libraries >sdk-controller.
    • See also the controller library API reference.