Dev C Hex Editor

Dev C has been downloaded over 67,796,885 times since 2000. Embarcadero Dev-C is a new and improved fork (sponsored by Embarcadero) of Bloodshed Dev-C and Orwell Dev-C. It is a full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and code editor for the C/C programming language. HHD Free Hex Editor is a fastest binary file editing software for Windows. Using this freeware hex editor you'll be able to edit extremely large files/dumps of raw data and try advanced functions: search/replace data incl. RegExp, disk editor, computer memory editor, checksum/hash calculations, logical bitwise/arithmetic data operations, file structure viewer with binary templates, modifying. Jujuba Software Hex editor allows you to view and browse files in hexadecimal format. It also searches for headers of known formats such as JPEG, PNG, MP3, etc. Embedded files can be saved and extracted. You can search, scroll, make edits in the file itself.

When developing cross-platform terminal applications or using terminal output for logging or debugging, it's useful to color the output in order to not lose the overview.

This article shows how to color the terminal output on various platforms.


Dev C Hex Editor Free

On Linux, you can change the current foreground and background color by writing special character sequences into the output. Write the ESC escape character (octal '033', hex x1b), followed by an opening square bracket [. The color definition will follow next, termniated by a lowercase m.

The color definition is a series of numbers, separated by semicolons. In order to make the text color red (number 31), you can write '033[31m' which will make any following output red. If you want yellow text (33) on blue background (44), you write '033[31;44m'. To reset everything back to the default colors, you write '033[0m'.

Dev C Hex Editor

The terminal-colors.d manual gives you an overview over the available codes.


On Windows, coloring the terminal output, works a bit different. Instead of writing special character sequences into the output, you have to call special functions from the windows library. #include <windows.h> in order to access the Windows functions. This provides the SetConsoleTextAttribute() function that can be used to color the text. You also need to get a handle to the stdout console using GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE).

The following code shows how to color the text red and yellow on blue background:

Unlike Linux, where each foreground and background color has an individual number, you work with the red, green and blue channels on Windows. As you can see with yellow, it's a combination of red and green for example.

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You can check available color values here.