Neopets Item Rarity

  1. Neopets Item Rarity Database
  2. Neopets Item Rarity Table
  3. Neopets Item Rarity Map

Items at 5,000 NPs and above are extremely rare, but most likely unbuyables! This shop is often crowded due to the avatar hunters. I would recommend having at least 30,000NP on hand before starting to restock here. If you buy an item with rarity 90 or over from the Chocolate Factory, you will receive the Chocolate! Welcome to The Plushie Guide. The Plushie Guide is accessable by everyone. You can find out the names, creation date, price range (subject to chages on neopets) and a description of each available plushie item. There are 7 sections: Plushies, Plushie Pets, Plushie Petpets, Real Plushie, Other Plushie Things, Plushie Avatars and Unreleased Plushies.

The Plushie Guide is accessable by everyone. You can find out the names, creation date, price range (subject to chages on neopets) and a description of each available plushie item. There are 7 sections: Plushies, Plushie Pets, Plushie Petpets, Real Plushie, Other Plushie Things, Plushie Avatars and Unreleased Plushies. Feel free to browse these sections to your hearts content.

To access The Plushie Collector, you need to register for your Collectors account and Login. Once logged in, you will be able to select which plushies you have already collected (via The Plushie Guide) and see which ones are left to collect.


This site is currently not maintained. I'm URGENTLY looking for people to keep the lists updated as often as possible. If you're interested in being a maintainer of this website, please contact me on

On 28 June 2014 Kira Wrote:

Sorry about the downtime. The server administrator made a few changes last week and didn't realise something wasn't working. I found out this morning and it is now fixed.

On 28 December 2013 Kira Wrote:

A seriously huge apology to everyone for the lack of update on here. I have put off making the admin section on this site for a while and I've now done it (thank Santa for the holidays). I'm just looking for people to do the updating as I no longer have a Neopets account. Let me know.

On 28 June 2013 Kira Wrote:

Welcome to the new version of The Plushie Guide. I haven't had a chance to test everything online - we had problems with the old website and had to do a quick move! If you find a problem, please let me know on the email below. There is one thing I still want to add, but I have to do some research on how to integrate it into the website. It should hopefully come soon.

Ghost Korbat Plushie

Electric Gormball Plushie

Handmade Master Thief Kanrik Plushie

Electric Koi Plushie

Baby Korbat Plushie

Plushie Faellie

Plushie Icklesaur

Neopets Item Rarity

Neopets Item Rarity Database

Kruidvat Starry Moehog Plushie Clip

Kruidvat Red Moehog Plushie Clip

Kruidvat Starry Wocky Plushie Clip

Skeith Plushie Handheld

Fantasical Plushie Land Background

Neopets Item Rarity Table

Scorchio - Scordrax

Grundo - Discarded Plushie

Cybunny - Plush

Royalboy Bori Plushie

Neopets Item Rarity Map

Neopets item rarity tracker

Darigan Hissi Plushie